Enterprise Asset Management Software

Manage all of your assets efficiently, anytime and anywhere using TAG Samurai Enterprise Asset Management Software. Provides RFID and QR Code Technology, manage all of your assets more easier with TAG Samurai.

Monitoring, tracking, auditing, and reporting all of your assets in real time and accurately through one centralized Asset Management Consoles.

Fixed Asset Management

Transform your conventional asset records into systematic and digitalized management with a centralized asset management application.

Manage all your assets more efficiently and accurately, from asset monitoring, auditing, tracking, and disposal.

Asset Tracking

Asset Loan

Asset Maintenance Management

Supply Asset Detail Monitoring
Supply Asset Detail Monitoring

Supply Asset Management (Consumable Asset)

Simplify & efficiently all of your stock opname activities. TAG Samurai completely helps you manage consumables stock in detail. Including various features available, all of your inventory management is more effective, efficient, and minimizing errors.

Monitoring of Supply Asset

Supply Asset Audit

Supply Asset Report

Stock Forecast

Inventory Management

Avoid stock taking mistakes by Handing over inventory management to TAG Samurai. With available features and modern technology support, managing your entire inventory is quicker and easier. So you can focus on business development.

Quick Inventory Register

Inventory Report

Inventory Tracking

Supply Asset Detail Monitoring

Our Technologies

With the latest technology, TAG Samurai can simplify the 

management of all your business assets.

SaaS Management

Manage all your assets anywhere and anytime with Software as a Service (SaaS) technology.

RFID Technology

RFID technology can read and track multiple assets simultaneously over a wide range in seconds.

QR Code

With QR Code technology, detail identification and existing assets status can be updated more quickly and easily.

Mobile Apps

Remove the limitation of asset management that can only be accessed via desktop or PC.

Why TAG Samurai?

TAG Samurai gives you the convenience of managing all your assets through additional vital functions such as:

Asset code customization

Asset naming (code) can be set according to your needs.

Export & Import Data

Asset data migration can be done quickly and easily using the TAG Samurai application.

Grouping Control

Asset management activities throughout the company's branch offices can be easily managed in one console.

API Integration

TAG Samurai supports integration with other applications using API technology.

Individual Asset Policy

Ease of customization in each asset to set the policy of an asset, whether it can be borrowed, transferred, or other activities.

Asset Report

All kinds of reports you need can be easily generated by TAG Samurai.

Multilevel Approval

All borrowing, moving, and maintaining assets can be managed based on the approval system.

Turn Asset recording in a spreadsheet into a TAG Samurai app.
So that the management of your company's assets can be done quickly and accurately.