RFID Tracking: Explanation, Functions and How It Works

RFID Tracking is a tool used to help track an object. This article will discuss the functions and workings of RFID.

What is meant by RFID?

What is meant by RFID?

RFID stands for Radio-Frequency Identification. This is a technology that uses radio frequency (RF) to identify objects or objects that have an RFID tag.

This RFID tag can be a chip or a tag that can send information about the object to the RFID reader system. 

RFID is often used in applications such as security systems, vehicle monitoring and inventory management.

Read More : Fixed Asset: Definition, Types, and Characteristics

What is RFID used for?

RFID is often used in a variety of applications, such as:

Security system: RFID tags can access certain areas by simply touching the tag to the RFID reader. This can be used to restrict access to certain buildings or rooms.

Vehicle monitoring: RFID tags can be attached to vehicles and read by roadside RFID readers to monitor traffic.

Inventory management: RFID tags can be attached to products in warehouses, making it easier to quickly and accurately identify and manage inventory.

Payment: Some payment systems use RFID tags that can be read by RFID readers on payment machines to make it easier for customers to make payments.

Animal recognition: RFID tags can be attached to animals to assist officials in identifying the animal and monitoring its movements.

What is the function of using RFID in everyday life?

RFID is widely used in everyday life, especially in applications such as security systems, vehicle monitoring and inventory management.

For example, a building access card that uses RFID can allow employees to enter the building where they work by simply touching the card to an RFID reader at the entrance. 

This can make it easier to access the building and increase its security.

On highways, RFID readers can be used to monitor traffic and assist in managing traffic flow. 

In warehouses, RFID tags can be attached to products to make it easier to manage inventory and quickly identify these products.

How Does RFID Work?

How RFID Tracking Works is

  1. An RFID tag attached to an object or object will send a radio signal to the RFID reader in the vicinity.
  2. The RFID reader will receive the call from the RFID tag and send it to the computer system connected to the reader.
  3. The computer system will process the signal received from the RFID reader and display the information stored in the RFID tag.
  4. The information displayed can be used for various purposes, such as accessing certain areas, monitoring traffic, or managing inventory.
  5. After the data is processed, the computer system will reply to the RFID reader to be forwarded to the RFID tag.
  6. The RFID tag will receive a response from the computer system and send a radio signal back to the RFID reader to confirm that the process has been completed.
  7. This process will continue to repeat as long as the RFID tag is in the range of the RFID reader.

Advantages of Using RFID

There are several advantages of using RFID, including:

  1. Easy to use: RFID does not require physical contact between the tag and the reader, so it is easy to use and requires little effort.
  2. Fast and accurate: RFID can read information from multiple tags simultaneously, making it easier to identify and manage data quickly and accurately.
  3. Flexible: RFID can be used in various applications and attached to different objects or objects.
  4. Save time and money: RFID can help save time and money by facilitating the identification and management of data.
  5. Secure: RFID offers a high level of security because the information stored in the tag cannot be accessed.
  6. Can be used in adverse conditions: RFID can be used in adverse conditions such as fog, rain or even in the dark.

Disadvantages of Using RFID

Although RFID has many advantages, there are also some disadvantages to using RFID, including:

  1. Cost: RFID requires a relatively high price for the purchase of readers and tags, and computer systems connected to the reader.
  2. Power shortage: RFID tags do not have a battery, so they depend on the power received from the RFID reader to transmit radio signals. 
  3. Interference: RFID can be interfered with by objects or materials that can block radio signals, such as metals or chemicals. This can cause errors in reading the information or even make the tag completely unreadable.
  4. Security: Even though the data stored in the RFID tag cannot be accessed or modified by people who do not have access to the RFID reader system
  5. Limitations of use: RFID can only be used to identify objects with RFID tags. It cannot be used to identify people that do not have these tags.

What factors should be considered to using RFID?

Several factors must be considered when you want to use RFID, including:

  1. Purpose and need: Consider the purpose and need for using RFID to determine the appropriate type of RFID and to ensure that RFID can meet those needs.
  2. Cost: RFID requires a relatively high price for the purchase of readers and tags, and computer systems connected to the reader. Make sure that the available budget is sufficient to cover these costs.
  3. Distance and power: RFID requires a minimum distance between the tag and the reader to work correctly. Ensure that the distance between the tag and the reader meets the requirements and has enough power to transmit the radio signal.
  4. Interference: RFID can be interfered with by objects or materials that may block radio signals. Ensure that the environment where RFID is used does not experience interference that could cause errors in reading the information.
  5. Security: RFID has a security risk if the RFID reader system can be hijacked by irresponsible parties. Ensure the RFID reader system is equipped with sufficient protection to prevent this.
  6. Limitations of use: RFID can only be used to identify objects or objects with an RFID tag. Ensure that the use of RFID complies with these limitations.

RFID Tracking Function to Manage Fixed Assets

RFID tracking can be used to manage fixed assets by attaching RFID tags to these assets and monitoring their movements using an RFID reader system.

This can help in knowing the location of assets, the number of existing assets, and real-time monitoring of asset movements. RFID tracking allows companies to manage fixed assets more efficiently and accurately, thereby saving time and costs.

RFID tracking can also help prevent the loss of assets and ensure that these assets can be used optimally.

Recommendations for RFID Tracking Applications for Managing Fixed Assets

TAG Samurai is a fixed asset management software that uses the latest technology, such as RFID tracking. This software helps manage fixed assets by attaching RFID tags and monitoring their movements using an RFID reader system.

This offers features such as real-time reports, management of asset locations, and notifications when changes occur to assets.

Questions Regarding RFID Tracking

1. What is the difference between NFC and RFID?

NFC (Near Field Communication) and RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) are two technologies that use radio signals to communicate and transmit information. However, there are several differences between the two technologies, which include the following:

  1. NFC has a shorter range than RFID. NFC can only operate within a distance of less than 4 cm, while RFID can work within a distance of more than 4 cm.
  2. NFC can be used to communicate between devices. In contrast, RFID can only be used to identify objects or objects that have RFID tags.
  3. NFC has a higher data transfer rate than RFID. NFC can transfer data at speeds of up to 424 kbps, while RFID can only transfer data at speeds of less than 100 kbps.
  4. NFC has higher security than RFID. NFC uses encryption to keep the information transmitted securely. In contrast, RFID does not use encryption so that anyone with an RFID reader can read the data stored in an RFID tag.
  5. NFC can be used for various applications, such as payment, product recognition, or communication between devices. In contrast, RFID can only be used to identify objects or objects that have RFID tags.

2. Is RFID Tracking Safe?

RFID has a high level of security because the information stored can be accessed or modified by people who do not have access to the RFID reader system.

However, RFID still has a security risk if the RFID reader system can be hijacked by irresponsible parties. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the RFID reader system is equipped with sufficient security to prevent this.

In addition, the use of RFID must be carried out by applicable regulations so as not to disturb the privacy of others.

3. What sensors are included in RFID tracking?

RFID is not included in the sensor category. RFID is a technology that uses radio frequency (RF) to identify objects or objects that have RFID tags. This RFID tag can be a chip or a label that can send information about the thing to the RFID reader system.

Sensors detect and measure various signals, such as temperature, pressure, humidity or motion. RFID cannot see or measure any movement, so it is not included in the sensor category.

4. What is RFID Tracking made of?

RFID tags are usually made of plastic or paper laminated with a metallic coating. This metallic layer acts as an antenna which allows the tag to receive and transmit radio signals to the RFID reader system.

Andini Sabrina